The transmission code by Gioachino Veneziani
During the early 19th century, in order to save on telegraph fares as well as in order to optimize communications,
Gioachino Veneziani invented a code for the transmission of orders and news to his office.
This code may appear amusing during the era of webs and e-mails…..however, please don’t use it now to send us orders,
since the code has been out of order for some time.
Albero I shall arrive from San Giorgio with the express train at 10.50
Albino I shall arrive with the morning express train from San Giorgio
Achile I shall arrive this morning with the Tripchovich Steamship
Arta I shall arrive tomorrow morning with Lloyd
Adalgisa I shall arrive from San Giorgio di Nogaro at 5 p.m.
Ada Arriverò via S. Giorgio ore 2 pom.
Arrigo I shall arrive with Navigazione, send Nicoletto or somebody else to the ship station, in summertime at 6, in wintertime at 7, the boat shall wait at the pier S. Marta near the ship station.
America Since this evening there is an additional departure with Lloyd, I shall arrive tomorrow morning with Lloyd
Ario I shall arrive by railway from Udine at 12.23
Asia Cable the weather forecast. I decided to come if the weather is good. If not, I shall not come
Ariosto Send a telegram with the weather report
Ettore, Marco These names together with the code regarding arrivals mean that instead of Olga one of those two shall arrive
Alloro I shall arrive with the e ship leaving Trieste at about noon
Amore Arrival on Sunday with the excursion
Angelo I shall not arrive
Aurelia He returns by train with round-trip ticket
Alice He returns by train with one-way ticket
Bruno Order 1 worker for my friend
Brutto Order 2 workers for my friend
Brioni Order 3 workers for my friend
Bifolco Order 4 workers for my friend
Brillante Order 5 workers for my friend
Brillo Order 6 workers for my friend
Brina Order 7 workers for my friend
Britania I don’t want workers
Ninfea Ship 100 kg of Fascia rossa
Norina Ship 200 kg of Fascia rossa
Oreste Ship 100 kg of Fascia grigia
Otello Ship 200 kg of Fascia grigia
Remark: If to Fascia Navigazione the names Contesso, Felugo, Longobardi, Di Giacomo are added, besides the words indicating the quality and quantity to deliver, that means shipping to the persons mentioned.
Parabola Cable if the missing article has arrived and if I shall find it in the factory
Parodia I am sending you something by means of the Lloyd’s waiter, therefore go on board at once to see
Pelope Send me that thing by means of the Lloyd’s waiter, with the ship leaving today.
Penco You will ship to Trieste as soon as possible with Navigazione or Lloyd or any company, what I am requesting.
Parenzo Ship the requested quantity of stearin.
Primola Ship the requested quantity of green paint.
Paraguar If I ask (for example) Cera-1, that means 1 bag of wax, 2 means 2 bags and so on.
Paride Lloyd has changed schedule or today’s departure cancelled.
Polifemo Tomorrow an additional Lloyd shall arrive, contact the first waiter to get my orders.
Proteo Load the requested goods on the main deck.
Piramide Destination of bill of loading is Trieste, punto franco.
Plinio Destination of bill of loading is Trieste only.
Polimia Your order is to ship green paint to Trieste, but with destination London, New York or elsewhere –I shall cable the word Polimia London or Polimia New York, in that case you will declare in the security bill: shipment to….with any steamer.
Paradiso Your order was to ship to Trieste a certain article, don’t ship it since I don’t need it anymore.
Parnaso Apply English labels with English weights.
Populonia Apply Italian labels with Italian weights.
Proserpine Apply English labels with Italian weights.
Palma Don’t apply labels.
Piloro You will get a shipment of stearin, don’t it pick-up nor pay customs because I shall need part of it for Trieste, I will cable Piloro 10 bags Trieste which means that you will ship them to me. Same meaning for the other articles.
Parente Same as above, white lead
Pollo Same as above, arsenic
Pollame Same as above, fine minium
Pasqua Same as above, zinc white lead
Polidoro Cable if the shipment for London is ready.